Funny camera moment of mine while at a swim meet years ago ... about 6-7 I believe. I was holding my iphone and "click" while doing something! I know the "Meet Sheet" in between my legs, maybe digging for something in my purse!
This picture came to my mind while I was walking the other evening after dinner. I gazed down and noticed my legs. I was encouraged. Good tone, shapely quads - much like this picture; I felt strong on my brisk walk.
You see ... I needed to SEE that. When I see my legs in the mirror - straight on - they don't look so good to me. Just being real here...they look a little cottage cheese-y [with my vision]. In reality, I know they don't look that bad - but more tone would be nice! So, on this evening, as I gazed down ... I thought to myself: "looking good" also helped that I was in bright orange shorts (given to me from my daughter - age 22 - who didn't want her lululemon shorts any longer ... she's moving on to Savvi! More on that later...). Okay - not bad, fitting into my daughter's shorts (a collegiate swimmer - a beast in the water and on land!)
One's perspective is important.
I am 53 years "young". I am - and have been - nursing a not-so-good shoulder that limits me from doing a lot of full body workouts that I enjoy. The week before my youngest daughter's virtual high school graduation (June 2020), I was in a lot of pain. Taking off a sport bra required help from one of my daughters. Drying off after a shower was difficult...hello external rotation of the shoulder. I tried to self-diagnose myself. I went to a specialist - and I was pretty darn close.
While I may not be able to swim [yet], do burpees [yet], execute arm weight lifting moves with my "normal" weight, I am still moving - doing as much as I can with my limitations. Am I bored with my rehabilitation moves. Yes!! But, I am happy to report it is getting better - it has been a little over 2 months. I suspect it has been brewing for awhile (had problems last year too but went away), and my shoulder girdle decided Pandemic is the perfect time to kick in the pain. I say: "I don't think so ..." I got help (more on that later) - I added some key supplements (thank you AdvoCare) back into my routine - icing yes ... brrr! - taking it easier and more slowly (not real good at that - but it is required to come back even stronger!) ....
Look, let's face it, our current Pandemic has - and still is - affecting everyone. Certainly, you have heard about the Covid15 ... kind of like the College20 ... I am feeling a little thicker ... and not being able to move as I'd like [because of my shoulder] PLUS our current affairs ... wa-la pounds happen ... but let's circle back around perspective...
What is yours ...? Are you looking through a not-so-good lens or perhaps at the wrong angle? It comes down to the mindset, doesn't it? Don't give up ... keep going ... don't stop progressing!
So it is your turn...
What mindset do you need to change today to keep you encouraged and keep going in our challenging times? It could be as simple as going on a walk, taking a bubble bath, signing up for a Zoom virtual yoga class, moving a little more than usual or skipping that dessert (aka emotional eating) next time you are down-and-out.
Check in with your noggin, see where you are at and move forward and often!
And, when you have a moment - send me an e-mail with subjects you would like addressed in this blog! If you are not currently on my e-mail list - subscribe! You can do this on the Contact Form or the Opt In form on my Home Page.
This picture came to my mind while I was walking the other evening after dinner. I gazed down and noticed my legs. I was encouraged. Good tone, shapely quads - much like this picture; I felt strong on my brisk walk.
You see ... I needed to SEE that. When I see my legs in the mirror - straight on - they don't look so good to me. Just being real here...they look a little cottage cheese-y [with my vision]. In reality, I know they don't look that bad - but more tone would be nice! So, on this evening, as I gazed down ... I thought to myself: "looking good" also helped that I was in bright orange shorts (given to me from my daughter - age 22 - who didn't want her lululemon shorts any longer ... she's moving on to Savvi! More on that later...). Okay - not bad, fitting into my daughter's shorts (a collegiate swimmer - a beast in the water and on land!)
One's perspective is important.
I am 53 years "young". I am - and have been - nursing a not-so-good shoulder that limits me from doing a lot of full body workouts that I enjoy. The week before my youngest daughter's virtual high school graduation (June 2020), I was in a lot of pain. Taking off a sport bra required help from one of my daughters. Drying off after a shower was difficult...hello external rotation of the shoulder. I tried to self-diagnose myself. I went to a specialist - and I was pretty darn close.
While I may not be able to swim [yet], do burpees [yet], execute arm weight lifting moves with my "normal" weight, I am still moving - doing as much as I can with my limitations. Am I bored with my rehabilitation moves. Yes!! But, I am happy to report it is getting better - it has been a little over 2 months. I suspect it has been brewing for awhile (had problems last year too but went away), and my shoulder girdle decided Pandemic is the perfect time to kick in the pain. I say: "I don't think so ..." I got help (more on that later) - I added some key supplements (thank you AdvoCare) back into my routine - icing yes ... brrr! - taking it easier and more slowly (not real good at that - but it is required to come back even stronger!) ....
Look, let's face it, our current Pandemic has - and still is - affecting everyone. Certainly, you have heard about the Covid15 ... kind of like the College20 ... I am feeling a little thicker ... and not being able to move as I'd like [because of my shoulder] PLUS our current affairs ... wa-la pounds happen ... but let's circle back around perspective...
What is yours ...? Are you looking through a not-so-good lens or perhaps at the wrong angle? It comes down to the mindset, doesn't it? Don't give up ... keep going ... don't stop progressing!
So it is your turn...
What mindset do you need to change today to keep you encouraged and keep going in our challenging times? It could be as simple as going on a walk, taking a bubble bath, signing up for a Zoom virtual yoga class, moving a little more than usual or skipping that dessert (aka emotional eating) next time you are down-and-out.
Check in with your noggin, see where you are at and move forward and often!
And, when you have a moment - send me an e-mail with subjects you would like addressed in this blog! If you are not currently on my e-mail list - subscribe! You can do this on the Contact Form or the Opt In form on my Home Page.